Transformation in Art
Nowadays everywhere we go we are met with “Facebook”; be it
a clothes shop or a bank. It is everywhere around us and very useful if used
properly. Its original purpose was to keep people in touch and to get to know
about other people and their lives. But like everything else, once it gets
online it goes completely out of control and misused. But not everyone posts
rubbish; we still have those with self respect left! And on Facebook I got to
know about a page called “A different type of Art”. Where, “Art is the magic mirror that we
create to turn invisible dreams in visible pictures. To see us we use a mirror
image, artwork we use to see our soul! Art is the triumph over chaos”
On this page I came across an album called creativity and it amazed me how some
brilliant people take something which is ordinary like a nail or a cup of
coffee and transforming it to something extraordinary.
For instance, the artist Andrew Myers took the simple act of
screwing Phillips screws and transformed it by screwing them to different
heights to recreate the elevations of the face and then draw the face on them.
This way the face does not only have the illusion of being 3D, but actually
being in 3D.
Andrew Myers, 2009. Andrew Myers Art. [online] Available at: [Accessed on 7th December 2012]
Another artist is Erika Iris Simmons who uses random things
and turns them into composite art. Most of her pieces become portraits of
people associated with the item she chooses. Which is what I like most of her
art. A lot of her art is made with cassette tapes and old film reels. She has
blended the concerns and methods of conceptual art with craft-making and pop
culture to create her own installations using icons such as The Beatles, Bob
Marley, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Madonna, Bob Dylan
and Debbie Harry of Blondie.

“Some people just have too much time on their hands! This is
a somewhat liberal version of the iconic Da Vinci masterpiece made
from 3,604 coffee cups all with varying levels of milk to affect the shading.
This was displayed in Sydney as part of the 2009 Aroma Festival.”
Zolton, 22nd April. Lost at E minor: Mona Lisa made from cups of coffee. [online]
Available at: [Accessed on 7th December 2012]
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